Wednesday, July 25, 2007

ATW - Culinary delights in Cairo

I've had quite the culinary adventure during my short stay in Cairo. Outside of the bland generic breakfast buffet, with some of the worst breakfast sausages I've ever had the misfortune of attempting to eat, the food has been rather tasty. I tried some sushi (never my favorite, but I've had much worse), Indian food (historically not one of my favorites, but it is growing on me and it has been the second most tasty meal here), and a random sandwhich in the basement of a mall while playing 'billiards' in a kiddy game room. The number one meal has been at a fish restaurant (and it served only fish). All of the fresh fish was displayed at the side of the restaurant and you just picked out what you wanted and they either grilled it or fried it for you. I had a a whole fish that looked like a giant perch, but with out all of the little bones. It was grilled with a little lemon and was very tasty. Hip hip hooray for Egyptian fish!
Tomorrow I head off to Thailand, so we'll see if I can find some good food there.

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